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作者:滕州众友重工 浏览量: 0 来源:众友重工 时间:2018-09-05 相关tag: 压力与压强




 The pressure produced by the force exerted by a liquid in quiescent state is called liquid static pressure. There are two forces acting on stationary liquids: mass force.

And surface forces. The former acts on all the particles of a liquid, such as gravity; the latter acts on the surface of the liquid, such as tangential force and normal force.

Power. The surface force may be the external force of the container acting on the liquid, or the internal force from the other part of the liquid.

If there is a normal force Delta F acting on a tiny area Delta A in the liquid, the limit of delta F / delta A is defined as the static pressure at that point.

The force is expressed in P, that is:

If the force F is evenly distributed on the area A of the liquid, the static pressure can be expressed as:


The pressure used in hydraulic transmission generally refers to the static pressure of the liquid. The static pressure of a liquid is determined by the gravity and liquid surface of the liquid.


The external force produced by the surface. Because the static liquid is not pulled under tension and the liquid is flowing, the tangential force is ignored. Still liquid


The normal force acting on a unit area is called static pressure, or referred to as pressure. Liquid static pressure is called pressure in physics.


Application is called pressure.

本文标签: 压力与压强